Peter Aldersley

Peter and Pam live on a 90 acre block near Springfield. They built a new home and it is powered from a solar powered off-grid system with generator backup. They have been running since 2010.

Peter Aldersley Testimonial


What do you like most about the system that was installed?

Quality, the very good quality. It was well implemented and robust. The key elements work really well.

What were your expectations before we started?

We had huge expectations. We did a lot of research to find out what the best components would be for the requirements we had so I think I’d be disappointed if I’d had a problem. This system has met our expectations and we’re very happy with it.

How has this perception changed?

We looked at a number of companies, researched for a long time to see who provided different solutions and different hardware. Julian was able to provide a total solution for us. He did it via any way he could from the start to the end goal, he could talk through all the processes and that’s what we felt most comfortable with.

What are the 3 biggest benefits?

  1. Minimal ongoing costs. Our only real on going cost is around $50 per year for water for the batteries.
  2. It’s opened our eyes to how we live with the environment and our energy use on a daily basis. That’s actually quite liberating.
  3. Reliability. During the earthquakes we just jumped out of bed and turned the lights on. Self-sufficiency comes with good payback! It wasn’t until the following day (after the big quake) we visited friends with no power, who had no washing machine, no lights, food in the freezer that was melting…they asked us if we could put their food in our freezer! It was then we realized the extent of the impact of no power. We now have great security.

Would you recommend Julian and FreshEnergy?

Without a doubt, and I have! I’m really pleased to have worked with him. He’s how companies should operate, our development became his development and he wanted to make sure we were happy with it. He’s highly recommended.

Anything else you ‘d like to add?

Julian goes out of his way to help. He ensures what he does is done properly and he follows up what he says. I can’t say anything wrong about this, it’s one of the best systems we’re ever employed on this property.

The only other comment I would like to add is…if I had my time over again, I wouldn’t change a thing!